Pink Plastic Flamingos Yard Flamingos ship same day if ordered by 11:OO A.M.
Pink Plastic Flamingos Yard Flamingos ship same day if ordered by 11:OO A.M.
The first step to having a successful pink flamingo fundraiser is to pick the flamingo "board" which consists of (a) the president whose job it is to organize the event, which includes making announcements about the event to the church, charitable organization, school, or whoever will be on the donating side of the equation; (b) a secretary to keep written notes on everything that goes on, who has been flocked and who has chosen to pay insurance to avoid a flocking (more on insurance later), and to write press releases to keep the buzz going; and (c) a treasurer whose job it will be to keep track of the funds collected from those who have been flocked and from those who have paid insurance. The board should decide the monetary amount of the donations. Lastly, you'll need as many flocking teams as possible consisting of at least 2 or 3 volunteers each.
The teams then get together to brainstorm, listing any and every potential flocking victim, including their addresses and phone numbers. Once the secretary has the list organized, a flier is mailed, emailed or hand delivered to all potential donors informing them that the flocking season has begun. For those victims on the list who'd prefer to avoid a grouping of pink lawn flamingos on their front yard for all the world to see, they are informed that they are able to buy a no-flock insurance policy by making a donation to the charity without being flocked, or they are able to make a donation to have someone else not on the list flocked or they are able to opt out of donating completely.
Next your teams will need lots of pink flamingos, and the bigger your list, the more pink yard flamingos you will need. Depending on the size of your list and the number of teams, you can flock everyone on the list in one night or it may take several months. It's up to you. The teams then set out to flock the victims by covering their lawns with plastic pink lawn flamingos. You can flock a lawn with 5 flamingos, you can flock a lawn with 30 flamingos, whatever your budget allows. Attach to one of the birds a copy of your flier with info on who you are raising funds for, and that before the flock will be removed it's appreciated if a donation can be made to your cause. It's a good idea to give folks different dollar amounts to choose from and even a zero dollar amount as well for those who are unable to contribute. Remember, most folks on the flocking list know that a fundraiser is underway, they just don't know when they are going to get flocked. It's a good idea for every team to carry a camera to capture the moment and upload them to your school's Facebook page. And don't forget to call your local newspaper to alert them to the pink flamingo flocking fundraiser underway at your school, church or other charitable organization to generate some publicity. It is also important to be good neighbors and take care when placing the birds on other people's lawns or yards. If the organization is large enough, t-shirts and hats for the teams are always a hit as is a sign stating YOU'VE JUST BEEN FLOCKED.
The most important thing is to have good time while raising money for your school, church or other charitable organization. If your school or organization needs to raise funds, this is a worthwhile event that everyone can participate in and it's FUN. So don't just sit there, STOP TALKIN' AND START FLOCKIN' FOR YOUR FAVORITE CHARITY TODAY.